Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

{ Baraka Women }

It's important to me to always look my best. Clothes don't need to be expensive, but they must be tidy, stylish and flattering to my figure.

You are like me?  Then I invite you to discover the world of Baraka Women.

Baraka Women is one Australian fashion house  that prides itself on maintaining modest muslim traditions but in stylish and beautiful styling. Run by two of the loveliest women Kath Fry and Eisha Saleh.

The two young women were studying at Islamic Sharia Daar Aisha Sydney, and soon stuck up a friendship

 Eisha Saleh and Kath Fry.

They called their Baraka, an arabic word meaning blessing  '' the reason why i chose baraka was we are blessed to be in australia, we are blessed to be in a country where we can be muslim, but we can also dress the way we want to dress and we have the freedom to do what we want'' says Kath Fry.

Each piece is carefully considered and not mass produced rather made by local Sydney makers with over 25 year experience in luxury garment manufacturing and  exporting to all the luxury boutiques of the world.
Personally i was amazed at the excellent quality and the superb fit !!
Their designs are both fashion and modest enough to be worn by anyone.

The label donates 5% of its earnings to charitable projects that help women and children around the world

If you live in Sydney don't hesitate one second to go visit their store, no just a place to buy fashion, it's a lovely place to drink tea or coffee and contemplating the calligraphy exhibition of Peter Finch.

If you don't live in sydney it's well worth a visit to their website to learn all the particulars.

We wish them at all levels great success.

Store baraka women

 And Embroidered scarf of Baraka Women

Scarf Baraka Women, Blouse D&G, Pants New Yorker, Bag Christian Dior

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Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

{ Style of the Day }

Picture: Thank's to nomadstyle


I don't know why when it's cold in Switzerland, I kept thinking in Dubai 
I love summer, but here we are in the end of the freezing season and without snow it's so boring that my brain is empty of ideas. Snif Snif :'(


Je ne sais pas pourquoi, quand il fait froid en Suisse, je n'arr�te pas de penser Duba�
 J'aime l'�t�, mais ici nous sommes dans la fin de la saison de gel et sans neige c'est si ennuyeux que mon cerveau est vide d'id�es. Snif Snif: '(

PS: Muna wear kenzo dress


Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

{ One women...One trade }

These beautiful women are medical students in the hospital King Abdul Aziz
(Saudi Arabia)
*Ces belles femmes sont des �tudiantes en m�decine � l'h�pital King Abdul Aziz 
(Arabie saoudite)


Rafa, Renad and Loulwa
Zain and Lujain


Ahad and Asmaa

pictures credit: asma mohurji


Senin, 21 Maret 2011

{ Photographie }

Installed on the site of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Rolex Learning Center, designed by the architectural firm of internationally renowned Japanese SANAA.

The Rolex Learning Center is both a learning lab, a library with 500,000 books and an international cultural center.

On a continuous area of 20,000 m2 it offers services, libraries, information centers, social spaces, places of education, restaurants, cafes and beautiful outside.  

The building is highly innovative, with gentle slopes and undulating terraces around "patios" interiors. Not to mention the almost invisible pillars supporting the roof curve, a structure that required the construction methods unpublished.

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

*Install� sur le site de l�Ecole polytechnique f�d�rale de Lausanne (EPFL), le Rolex Learning Center, con�u par le bureau d�architecture japonais de renomm�e internationale SANAA.

Le Rolex Learning Center est � la fois un laboratoire d�apprentissage, une biblioth�que abritant 500�000 ouvrages et un centre culturel international.

Sur une surface continue de 20 000 m2 il offre services, biblioth�ques, centres d�information, espaces sociaux, lieux d��tudes, restaurants, caf�s et magnifiques ext�rieurs. 

Le b�timent est extr�mement novateur, avec des pentes douces et des terrasses ondulant autour de �patios� int�rieurs. Sans oublier les piliers quasiment invisibles qui soutiennent le toit courbe, une structure qui a exig� des m�thodes de construction in�dites.


Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

{ My interview }

 The first time I send an email to girls HijabScarf, I was surprised by their warm response.
Hana and Fifi are two indonesian women Extremely beautiful and super nice

A true friendship between us.  

Their blog is an inspiration for many of us, personally I wish them every happiness in the world and much much success. Congratulations to Fifi who is expecting her first child

 I love you Gilrs.

If you want to know me better go see my interview with HijabScarf,
and please give your opinion and show some love.


 La premi�re fois que j'ai envoy� un e-mail aux filles de HijabScarf, j'ai �t� surprise par leur reponse chaleureuse. Hana et Fifi sont deux indon�siennes extr�mement belles et super sympas !

 Une v�ritable amiti�e
s'est installer entre nous.

 Leur blog est une source d'inspiration pour beaucoup d'entre nous, personnellement, je leur souhaite tout le bonheur du monde et beaucoup beaucoup de succ�s.  
F�licitations Fifi qui attend son premier enfant.

  Je vous aime les filles.

Si vous voulez mieux me conna�tre allez voir mon interview avec HijabScarf, et s'il vous pla�t donnez votre avis et partagez un peu d'amour.



Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

  { Fashion show }

 It's official, Fashion inspired by the Hijab
Here are the latest fashion show Hermes captured by Garance Dor�.

C'est officiel, la mode S'inspire du Hijab 
Voici le dernier d�fil� d' Hermes captur� par Garance Dor�.

Pictures credit: garance dor�, karimsahai.photoshelter


Senin, 14 Maret 2011

{ Accessorized The Abaya }

 Personally I don't like wear simple black abaya, without colors!
Embroideries, golden and silver accessories and colorful fabrics have been introduced to the centuries old plain black Abaya popular in the Arabian Gulf and some part of the Islamic world to make conservative girls feel more fashionable.

The designs of Abaya are influenced by the latest in fashion cities such as Paris
especially the colours and accessories.
The new Abayas have helped many women, especially teenagers to feel that they are fashionable and could express themselves and personalities through their outfits.
 Kuwait comes first in the newest unconventional designs of Abayas followed by Saudi Arabia.

Today I chose the blue color, blue is flattering on every skin tone,
The models below have managed to mix the two colors, and the result is simply perfect !!!

Personnellement, je n'aime pas porter des abayas noir toute simple, sans couleurs! 

Broderies, d'or et d'argent des accessoires et des tissus color�s  ont �t� introduits aux Abayas populaire dans le golfe Persique et une partie du monde islamique pour que les filles se sentent plus la mode.
Les dessins d'Abaya sont influenc�es par la derni�re mode dans les villes comme Paris,surtout les couleurs et les accessoires. 
Les nouvelles abayas ont aid� de nombreuses femmes, surtout les adolescentes de sentir qu'elles sont � la mode.
Le Kowe�t vient en premier dans la nouvelle conception inhabituelle des abayas suivie par l'Arabie saoudite.
Aujourd'hui, j'ai choisi la couleur bleu, le bleu est flatteur sur tous les tons de la peau, 
Les mod�les ci-dessus ont r�ussi m�langer les deux couleurs, et le r�sultat est tout simplement parfait!

Please don't use my pictures without a written permission.

Mmmmm ok, I must confess that sometimes I wear simple black abayas, only if it has a nice cut ;)

 Mmmmmmm ok, je dois avouer que parfois je porte  des simples abayas noires, seulement  si elle a une belle coupe ;)
